Saturday, December 15, 2007

The Magic of Positive Thinking

Yes, there is magic in positive thinking! In aviation, the word attitude means the angle at which the plane meets the wind, whether the wings are level with the horizon, and whether it is climbing or descending. The pilot who fails to take responsibility for the attitude of his aircraft is in serious trouble. And likewise, any person who has not taken charge of his or her own beliefs and attitudes runs a similar risk. The key to cultivating and maintaining a positive mental attitude is to take control of your thinking and avoid negative minded people. It’s a challenging task to develop a calm, focused mind, but well worth the effort. Every setback and failure you experience also comes with a great opportunity. When one door closes, a window of possibility opens. The key is to look for the opportunity and avoid dwelling on failure. Think thoughts of defeat and you are bound to feel defeated. Your attitude is not determined by circumstances, but by how you respond to those circumstances. Your mind determines your attitude; you always have the choice to respond either positively or negatively. What happens to a person is less important than what happens within them. The great inventor, Thomas A. Edison, was known for his positive mental attitude. In December 1914, the Edison Laboratory in West Orange, New Jersey, was almost entirely destroyed by fire. Edison lost $2,000,000 worth of equipment and the records of much of his life’s work. The morning after the fire, as the 67-year-old inventor walked among the ashes, he was anything but defeated. Looking around, he remarked, “There is great value in disaster. All our mistakes are burned up. Thank God we can start anew.” Yes, there is magic in a positive attitude! I recommend that you read the following books and consider adding them to your personal success library:How I Raised Myself From Failure To Success In Selling - Frank BettgerThe Magic Of Believing - Claude M. BristolYou’ll See It When You Believe It - Dr. Wayne W. DyerWhat It Takes To Succeed In Sales - Jeanne & Herbert GreenbergThe Power Of Positive Thinking - Dr. Norman Vincent PealePositive Action Plan - Dr. Napoleon Hill The Master-Key To Riches - Dr. Napoleon Hill & W. Clement StonePsycho-Cybernetics - Dr. Maxwell MaltzCreative Living For Today - Dr. Maxwell Maltz

1 comment:

Ross Cornwell said...

I enjoyed reading your blog today, especially your post "The Magic of Positive Thinking," and I thought that you might be interested to learn that a new edition of Napoleon Hill's classic book "Think and Grow Rich" has been published.

Its title is "Think and Grow Rich!" (subtitled) "The Original Version, Restored and Revised." I am the editor/annotator of this new 416-page edition, which is really an homage to Dr. Hill. (For several years I was the editor-in-chief of "Think & Grow Rich Newsletter.")

What I have done is this: to restore Dr. Hill's book to its original manuscript content (it was first published in 1937, but was abridged in 1960), annotate it with more than 50 pages of endnotes (most of the persons and events he discusses are generally unknown to readers today), index it thoroughly, add an appendix with a wealth of additional information about Dr. Hill and his work, and revise the book in ways to help remove certain "impediments" to reading the book today (language that today would be considered obsolete, sexist or racist). None of these things had previously been done with TGR.

If you would like to learn a little more about this project, a quick visit to will give you some details. The "Editor's Foreword" provides more complete information, and the “Testimonials” page will demonstrate how well-received this new book is around the world.

Here is the book’s page...

The book is available on all the Amazon websites and most other online sellers (it is now the No. 1 best-selling version of TGR on Amazon), it can be ordered by any bookstore, and it will soon be appearing in bookstores everywhere.

Our edition of TGR! is superior in every way to other versions on the market. It is a trade paperback, not a pocket-size mass market paperback. It is unabridged. It is 416 pages versus 230+ (depending on the edition). It looks better, feels better, reads better than any other version. It is fast becoming the "version of choice" among Napoleon Hill devotees and other students of success and high achievement.

Thank you for your time and attention.

Ross Cornwell, Editor

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