Friday, December 14, 2007

Importance of Titles And Optimizing Your Title Tag

In the early days of search engine optimization, marketers focused on meta-tags as the primary way to attract search engine traffic. Meta-tags are HTML tags that help describe the document they are located within. Today we know that search engines not only look at meta-tags, but a sites content, internal link structure and link popularity.Working with the Title TagSince the Title Tag plays a vital role in determining your site's ranking in the SERP, you need to pay a lot of attention to the words that appear in the Title Tag and the order in which they appear. You need to develop a crisply worded Title Tag that includes your most relevant keyword phrases and performs the function of announcing the summary of your web page's content.Making SenseBut, stuffing keywords doesn’t always make sense either. If you write everything out without a sense of what your site is actually about save the word “dog collar” repeated four times, you’ll get fewer visitors. You’re writing this for multiple audiences – the search engine algorithm as well as your visitors. Find the right balance.CapitalizationMake this a headline of sorts. You should have every word that is of any importance, or just simply every word capitalized to grab attention. More or less all copywriting is better and more effective if you use this technique and hey if newspapers have been doing it for centuries, why not you as well? This is an important step you can take in separating your text from others; however make sure not to capitalize every letter in your title. It looks juvenile and angry.Unique Key Words for Every PageIt might be easier to just use a set list of keywords and title tags for each page of your site, but by separating them out and utilizing numerous styles and phrases throughout your website, you can further enhance your search results. Otherwise, you’ll likely never see any of the subpages of your website ranking in the search engines. By optimizing every page individually, you can receive a better chance of each individual page being successful.Company Names in Tag TitlesDon’t do this. It’s just a bad idea. All you do by adding your company name to a tag title or headline is waste space in a search engine. The only way this helps you is if someone searches for your company name directly, in which case they’ll likely find your site anyways. You want to use keywords that attract audiences looking for products like yours. If they are already looking for your product, you probably don’t need to optimize.Why titles are important:Titles play a large part in why people visit your website. The listings in search engines are just lists of titles and descriptions of sites. Depending on what people see in those titles, they choose which websites they will visit. Just like you do.The title of a web page can be compared to the sign of a typical brick and mortar store. If you had one chance to tell people what that one specific web page is about, what would you say?

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