Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Secret Money Making Strategy - Learn How to Write Powerful Advertising Copy

As simple as this sounds, 99% of all the business owners in the country just plain don't know how to design and write good advertisements. And that includes most of the biggest companies in business. If you have any intentions of operating a business of any kind, learning how to write advertising copy is the most important thing you must do. It quite literally will make or break your business. It is the difference between just barely hanging on, and profiting wildly. I don't how to tell you how important this really is. Looking back over everything that I have learned about making money, without a doubt, the one thing that has brought me the greatest amount of success, is knowing how to write powerful advertising copy. It really is, by far, the greatest money making skill I possess. I will gladly teach you what I know about writing advertising copy. We'll get to that a little later in this manual.For instance, just recently I ran a small advertisement in our local newspaper. It's not a big paper, only about 60,000 readers. The ad was 2 columns by 3" inches. At $38.25 per column inch the ad cost me $229.50 to run it just one time. It brought in over $4,000.00. That's 17 times cost! I challenge you to clip any ad out of your local paper, contact the merchant that ran the ad, ask him or her how much it cost to run the ad, and then ask them if it brought in 17 times that amount. If you can find a merchant that reports their ad is pulling at even 5 times cost I'd love to see the ad, because the truth is most advertisers are happy if their ad breaks even. They figure that as long as they recover what they invest in running the ad, the exposure they get makes it worth while. Although that may be true, what would you do if you had an ad that actually earned $2,000. profit every time you ran it? You would run it as often as you could, as long as it continued to make money, right? This is where business owners everywhere are killing themselves. Early on when their business is new they test different methods of advertising, if they are really lucky they get favorable results and will continue to advertise. But in many cases they don't, and they convince themselves that their business is not like other types of businesses, and newspaper advertising really won't work for them, and they never bother to test newspaper advertising again. It doesn't matter whether you advertise in newspapers, magazines, on billboards, or on the internet, the difference between your ad making really good money and being a total flop lies in how the ad is written. What offer are you advertising? Does the prospect understand what the offer is? Did the prospect even see your ad? Did you tell the prospect exactly how to buy? Each of these elements, plus a number of others determine how well your ad will pull. Many businesses survive for years and years, and the owner manages to squeak out a living, but how well would they do if they really and truly put forth a major effort to learn how to really write powerful ads. I can assure you the difference would be unbelievable. That's the problem. So unbelievable that most business owners just don't believe that it will make even a small difference let alone a major difference. They are so, so wrong! Learn how to write powerful advertisements and you will prosper for the rest of your life!

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